Imagine a food system where the most affordable and delicious products are also good for our bodies and the planet.

Imagine a food system where the most affordable and delicious products are also good for our bodies and the planet.

The Good Food Institute
Creating the future food supply

Washington DC, USA


The Good Food Institute (also known as GFI) is aligned with the Blue Horizon International Foundation’s mission to accelerate the removal of animals from the global food chain. Their aim is to forge a food system where the most affordable and delicious products are also good for our bodies and the planet. With this partnership, we join forces to reach our aligned goals.


The Good Food Institute is working with scientists, investors and entrepreneurs to make good food a reality by focusing on clean meat and plant-based alternatives to animal products. It provides companies with strategic support, helps foster the next generation of innovators, educates institutions and promotes plant-based products.


UN Sustainable Development Goals

This initiative/NGO fulfills the following UN SDGs: